
AniForte GelenkVetal3 - 250g

AniForte GelenkVetal 3 for quick strength for the joints.

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Size: 250g
CHF 36.95 CHF 38.90
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  • AniForte GelenkVetal3 - 250g

    AniForte GelenkVetal 3 for quick strength for the joints.

    New name - proven formula: AniForte GelenkVETAL 3 contains a combination of 3 purely natural, essential nutrients and active ingredients that support the musculoskeletal system.

    African devil's claw has long been said to support the metabolism in ligaments, tendons and joints, thus positively influencing the animal's entire movement.

    The most valuable ingredient of the green-lipped mussel is the glycosaminoglycans it contains, a substance found naturally in the body in connective tissue, cartilage and synovial fluid. The ingredients of the green-lipped mussel are said to promote mobility and thus have a positive effect on the animal's well-being.

    Natural collagen from Norwegian cod has an effect on bones, tendons and joints and thus helps to support the musculoskeletal system into old age.

    This special formula can quickly contribute to a positive change in mobility as a result of nutrition and thus improve the quality of life of both animals and humans.

    AniForte GelenkVETAL 3 is suitable for:
    - to support joint function
    - for more exercise
    - in the event of feeding errors and overweight

  • Composition
  • Devil's claw root, green-lipped mussel, collagen

    Analytical constituents

    Crude protein 31.73%, crude fat 4.99%, crude ash 6.92%, crude fiber 2.55%

  • Feeding recommendation
  • Dogs per 10kg: 2g daily
    (1 scoop equals 2g)

    AniForte GelenkVETAL 3 should not be fed to pregnant bitches!