
AniForte PureNature Senior wet food chicken - 400g

AniForte PureNature Senior wet chicken food is a high-quality premium dog food and consists of chicken, carrots and rice.

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Pick-up from the store possible
Selected for you with love
Size: 400g
CHF 4.65 CHF 4.90
Delivery ex warehouse
  • AniForte PureNature Senior wet food chicken - 400g

    AniForte PureNature Senior Wet Food Chicken is a high-quality premium dog food consisting of chicken, carrots and rice. Together with redcurrants, it conjures up an appetizing meal for your dog.

    • Unique recipe with chicken, carrots and rice
    • Suitable for single protein feeding
    • Extra portion of omega-3 extract to support vitality

    Our tasty recipe for dogs with special requirements is ideal for dogs of all breeds, especially old dogs. The extremely well-tolerated meal is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. With AniForte PureNature wet food, we also rely on natural ingredients that are perfectly tailored to your dog's needs. AniForte wet food is highly digestible and well tolerated due to the type of protein it contains and the selected vegetables and fruit. It is a good alternative for single-protein dogs. The secret of our AniForte quality is the proportion of high-quality chicken, which is produced to the highest standard. The ingredients are processed as quickly as possible to preserve their freshness and natural vitamins. This means that all the valuable ingredients that make up a high-quality diet for your four-legged friend are almost completely preserved. Our AniForte products are produced using only the best ingredients and are developed in close cooperation with vets, veterinary practitioners and nutritionists.

  • Composition
  • 75 % chicken (consisting of chicken hearts, chicken meat, chicken livers, chicken stomachs, chicken necks, 25 % meat stock), 15 % carrots, 5 % rice, 2 % currants, 1 % celery, 1 % chicory 0,1 % eggshell powder, 0.1 % herbs (dandelion root, nettle) 0.1 % safflower oil, 0.1 % grated coconut, 0.1 % silica, 0.1 % rose hip peel, 0.1 % omega-3 extract, 0.1 % algae lime, 0.1 % barley grass

    Additive content per kg:

    Technological additive per kg:

    Diatomaceous earth 1,000 mg

    Analytical constituents:

    8.7 % crude protein, 4.9 % crude fat, 1.7 % crude ash, 0.5 % crude fiber, 80.8 % moisture, 0.42 % calcium, 0.18 % phosphorus

  • Feeding recommendation
    • Dogs 5 kg: 130 g - 200 g
    • Dogs 10 kg: 240 g - 400 g
    • Dogs 20 kg: 500 g - 700 g
    • Dogs 30 kg: 800 g - 1200 g

    The stated daily requirement is only a recommendation and can be adjusted if necessary.

    Please always provide sufficient water in a separate container.


    It is recommended to feed at room temperature. Once opened, please store in a cool, dry place away from light.