
Dr. Weyrauch No. 5 Spring Awakening - 1.2kg

Dr. Weyrauch No. 5 Spring Awakening provides micronutrients in the form of high-quality secondary plant substances and rounds off the feed.

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Size: 1.2kg
CHF 123.40 CHF 129.90
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  • Dr. Weyrauch No. 5 Spring Awakening - 1.2kg

    Dr.Weyrauch No. 5 Spring Awakening consists of a 100% selection of herbs and plant parts containing bitter substances of the finest quality, embedded in a base of artichoke and milk thistle. This ensures a particularly high proportion of bitter substances. Feeding No. 5 Spring Awakening continuously throughout the year is an important building block in the horse's diet. No. 5 Spring Awakening provides micronutrients in the form of high-quality secondary plant substances and rounds off the feed. As this product, like all pure herbal compositions, is not primarily used for mineralization, we recommend an additional supply of trace elements.

    In certain equine diseases such as infections, Equine Cushing's Syndrome (ECS) and Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS), laminitis and chronic obstructive bronchitis (COB), only a strong liver is able to harmonize the derailed metabolism. Indications of liver weaknesses and dysfunctions in the digestive tract are also often shown by stomach problems, diarrhea and watery stools. Allergic events are also associated with liver function. The liver is strained when it is confronted with an excess of nutrients due to obesity or with harmful metabolic breakdown products in the case of strict diets.

    A horse whose metabolism has been overloaded by the above-mentioned stresses usually shows this very quickly in the form of performance depression, fatigue and disorders of the entire immune system, for example chronic bronchitis or sweet itch. Hormonal imbalances and bad moods, as well as aggression and unwilling behavior are also observed with liver problems. If such disorders are first detected in the blood count, there is already something wrong, as the liver is a highly regenerative organ and only shows signs of damage very late.

    Bitter substances in horse nutrition:
    In nature, horses are not confronted with chemicals or moldy forage or silage. Nevertheless, plants containing bitter substances are part of their natural diet. Surprisingly, horses love bitter plant substances. Anyone who has ever watched the devotion with which bitter dandelions are consumed while grazing can easily understand this. The continuous intake of bitter herbs promotes the secretion of bile and thus maintains the alkaline environment in the intestine. This creates a kind of buffer system that is better able to counteract imbalances. Plants containing bitter substances therefore make an important contribution to the balanced feeding of a horse. This is especially true when horses suffer from laminitis, colic, metabolic and detoxification disorders. Bitter substances keep digestion going and are good for the liver. They increase appetite and help horses with stomach problems. A lack of bitter substances due to one-sided meadow grasses, but also a higher requirement due to circumstances that stress the liver, require nutritive support for the horse.

    A nutritional building block for the whole year:
    Feeding herbs and roots containing bitter substances is particularly important during coat changes, after worming, when horses lose their zest for life or when they are under great stress and literally can no longer digest it. Bitter substances can be fed safely all year round. If the quality of hay, straw or grain is poor and there is no alternative, or if silage is fed or the pasture is one-sided, it makes sense to feed bitter herbs to promote the flow of bile and improve the intestinal environment.

    The need for bitter secondary plant substances increases when introducing a diet for horses suffering from laminitis, ECS or EMS to facilitate the removal of metabolic metabolites via the bile. Horses that are prone to allergies and sweet itch generally have a greater need for bitter substances in their feed.

  • Composition
    • Artichoke blossom
    • milk thistle fruit
    • Dried herbs (dandelion, birch, marjoram, rosemary)
    • Dried roots (dandelion, turmeric, ginger, lemon, gentian)
    • Fenugreek seeds

    Analytical ingredients

    crude protein 8%, crude fat 2%, crude fiber 27%, crude ash 7%, sodium 0%

  • Feeding recommendation
  • Feed 20 to 30g per horse per day (2 to 3 measuring spoons).

    Please note that herbal preparations, especially this valuable product, supplement the diet in a very special way, but are no substitute for mineralization in line with requirements. Please combine this product sensibly with one of our mineral specialties such as No. 1 Alles fliesst, No. 2 Standfest, No. 4 Goldwert, No. 19 Mordskerl, No. 21 Beinhart or No. 28 Sandmann.