
LupoDerm skin and hair treatment - 500ml

LupoDerm skin and hair treatment for healthy skin and a shiny coat.
LupoDerm skin and hair

Article #:
Hund, Katze
Pick-up from the store possible
Selected for you with love
Size: 500ml
CHF 19.85 CHF 20.90
Delivery ex warehouse
  • treatment - 250ml

    LupoDermSkin and Hair Treatment contains all essential unsaturated fatty acids, such as Omega 3, Omega 6 and
    lecithin. An activating effect on skin and hair can be seen after just 3 to 4 days of feeding! We recommend constant feeding of LUPO Derm Skin and Hair Treatment to provide optimum protection and care for coat and skin all year round.

    LUPO Derm can provide nutritional support for

    • a shiny coat
    • healthy and elastic skin
    • a shortening of the shedding period
    • improved pigmentation
    • increased vitality

    LUPO Derm proves its worth for

    • hair breakage and stubborn hair loss
    • dull coat
    • bad breath odor
    • irritated or scaly skin

    Feeding recommendation (daily):

    • Small dogs up to 10 kg body weight: 1 ml
    • Dogs from 10 kg to 30 kg body weight: 3-5 ml
    • Dogs over 30 kg body weight: 5-10 ml

    Cats: 1 ml

    (1 teaspoon = approx. 5 ml)


    Oleic acid, lecithin 4 %, linoleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid,
    linolenic acid, arachidonic acid, glycerides

    Crude protein 0 %, crude fat 99.7 %, crude fiber 0 %, crude ash 0 %