MarstallMeadow Cobs consist of warm air-dried hay from species-rich meadows in the Allgäu region. The cobs are natural, low in protein and high in crude fiber. No molasses is added during production and the cobs contain little fructan. As a roughage eater, the horse is designed to digest overgrown, species-rich grass. The Allgäu meadows have a wide variety of grasses and the late cutting time, gentle chopping and immediate warm air drying make the meadow cobs a high-quality source of roughage with a good structural effect.
The meadow cobs can be used as a roughage supplement or as a complete hay substitute and are also ideal for senior horses. When stored, the 16 mm cobs are very space-saving and dust-free. They should be soaked in sufficient water for about half an hour before feeding.
Grass, high-temperature dried (100.00 %)
(Allgäuer Hochland natural meadow grass, 1st growth, late in flowering, chopped and pelleted)
Consisting of a variety of different herbs and grasses such as cocksfoot, reed canarygrass, bentgrass and brome: Cocksfoot, tall fescue, red fescue, perennial ryegrass, perennial ryegrass, timothy, meadow fescue, red clover, white clover, Kentucky bluegrass, smooth oat, golden oat, annual bluegrass, meadow foxtail, red bentgrass, alexandrine clover, broad-leaved plantain, ribwort plantain, camomile, meadow smock, meadowfoam, quaking grass, cotton grass, cuckoo flower, crested wheatgrass, bedstraw and many more. and much more.
Feeding recommendation:
Small horses/
Ponies approx. 1.0 to 1.5 kg per 100 kg weight/day
Thoroughbreds approx. 1.0 to 1.5 kg per 100 kg weight/day
Warmbloods approx. 1.0 to 1.5 kg per 100 kg of live weight/day
1 kg of meadow cobs/chips/fiber replaces 1 kg of hay
Example ration per day for a horse
with 550 kg live weight
... to enhance the basic feed ration
approx. 1.0 to 3.0 kg meadow cobs/chips/fibers + 6 kg hay
... as a structure for mixing with the concentrated feed at
approx. 1 to 5 handfuls of meadow cobs/chips/fibers