
OKAPI Fix&Fertig sainfoin - 15kg

OKAPI Fix&Fertig Esparsette - Grain-free concentrated feed for mangers and automatic feeders

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Size: 15kg
  • OKAPI Fix&Fertig sainfoin

    OKAPI Fix &Fertig sainfoin - The legume sainfoin is called "Sain foin" - healthy hay - in other languages for a reason.

    Sainfoin is a traditional fodder plant for horses and has only been replaced by alfalfa in the last 50 years due to its relatively low yield. Compared to alfalfa, sainfoin not only has a higher protein content, but above all a much better amino acid pattern. This is because the essential amino acids lysine, methionine and threonine are present here in significantly higher concentrations. As a result, the horse is better able to convert the protein it contains into endogenous structures and has less need to excrete excess amino acids as urea via the kidneys.

    In addition, sainfoin contains so-called condensed tannins, also known as catechins, which are widespread in nature and are also found in plants (parts of plants) as diverse as green tea, blackberries or birch bark. Catechins belong to the family of tannins, which can develop a range of positive properties in the body. In addition to their strong anti-oxidative properties, these include their ability to precipitate proteins in the intestine and thus make them easier to digest, which is why sainfoin is not only a "power food" due to its natural protein content, but also promotes the utilization of other feedstuffs.

    These tannins, which have long been used by humans in naturopathy, also have astringent, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial/antiviral effects. In small ruminants, it has been shown that feeding sainfoin not only has a clear stabilizing effect on the rumen flora, but also has a worm-repellent effect. Preliminary studies on horses indicate a comparable effect in the horse's digestive tract.

    Sainfoin can therefore be confidently regarded as a "starch-free concentrate" that is not only highly digestible, but also ensures that the entire feed ration can be better utilized. It is therefore the ideal supplementary feed for all horses that need to be fed more due to age or illness. Young growing horses as well as pregnant and lactating broodmares also benefit from the good protein quality and intestinal stabilizing properties of sainfoin.

    If the hay ration is supplemented with straw for a reduction diet for overweight horses, protein must be added to prevent undesirable muscle (rather than fat) loss. Sainfoin has also proved its worth here. Last but not least, sainfoin in soaked form is ideal for mixing in non-palatable but necessary therapeutic feed supplements due to its strong taste. Sainfoin is therefore quite rightly experiencing a renaissance in our horse feed!

  • Composition
  • Sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) vegetable oil (3%)

    Analytical constituents and contents:

    Crude protein: 14.5%, crude oils and fats: 5.6%, crude fiber: 24.2%, crude ash: 7.1%, calcium: 0.74%, phosphorus: 0.24%, sodium: 0.008%

  • Feeding recommendation
  • Horses receive 1 - 3 kg daily, soaked. Ponies receive about half, depending on their size. 15 kg is sufficient for about 1 - 3 weeks.

    OKAPI Fix & Fertig sainfoin is particularly suitable for feeding heavy-feeding or older horses and for horses with gastrointestinal problems. The high content of essential amino acids and condensed tannins makes it a valuable grain-free "concentrated feed" for all horses. Due to the small pellet diameter, OKAPI Fix & Fertig sainfoin can be fed dry without causing abnormal chewing behavior compared to other concentrates. However, it is advisable to soak the pellets before feeding to prevent choking or blockage of the gullet in the case of very food-obsessed or hasty eaters.

    The pellets are made from the whole plant. They are pressed in a complex process without the addition of adhesives. The added milk thistle oil (3%) increases the energy content and provides high-quality fatty acids in a digestible form that benefit the metabolism. The silymarin content of milk thistle oil is only 0.03%, making OKAPI Fix & Fertig sainfoin suitable for feeding to horses with detoxification disorders such as cryptopyrroluria (KPU). OKAPI Fix & Fertig sainfoin is not a complete feed and should therefore always be offered together with a high-quality OKAPI mineral feed in addition to a sufficient amount of roughage.

    We recommend offering OKAPI four-season feed and OKAPI wild berries or OKAPI wild seeds for enrichment with secondary plant substances.

    OKAPI sainfoin is not a complete feed and should therefore always be offered together with a high-quality OKAPI mineral feed in addition to a sufficient amount of roughage.