
PerNaturam Urogenate - 250g

PerNaturam Urogenat to strengthen the kidneys and bladder.

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Size: 250g
CHF 36.95 CHF 38.90
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  • PerNaturam Urogenate - 250g

    PerNaturam Urogenat to strengthen the kidneys and bladder.
    Cranberry, lockgrass root and bearberry leaves to strengthen the kidneys and bladder, especially in cases of irritation and incontinence.
    Dogs are increasingly suffering from problems of the urogenital system, such as kidney and bladder inflammation, stones and incontinence. All three components are traditionally used for these problems, especially to strengthen the mucous membranes and the body's own defenses.
    Cranberry, cranberry (Vaccinium spec.), contains anti-adhesive mucilage that prevents bacteria from adhering to the surfaces of the urinary tract. The pathogens are then flushed out with the urine.
    Closet grass root (Agropyron repens), has a diuretic and blood-purifying effect. It is traditionally used for gout, rheumatic diseases, chronic cystitis and chronic skin rashes.
    The leaves of bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva ursi) contain arbutin and methylarbutin, which have an antibacterial effect in the kidneys.

  • Composition
  • Cranberry fruit powder (with no added sugar), closing grass and bearberry leaves

    Analytical constituents

    Crude protein 4.3 %, crude oils/fats 4.5 %, crude fiber 18.5 %, crude ash 5.2 %


    Calcium 0.6 %, phosphorus 0.4 %, sodium 0.5 %

  • Feeding recommendation
  • Give per day: dogs up to 5 kg 1 measuring spoon, up to 10 kg 2 ML, larger dogs up to max. 3 ml. The measuring spoon contains 2 g.

    Do not give for more than three consecutive weeks.

    Do not feed during pregnancy and lactation!