PharmaHorse Foenegriek (fenugreek powder) supports digestion and milk production and has a positive influence on resistance.
PharmaHorse Fo enegriek (Latin name: Trigonella foenum-graecum) is naturally rich in fats, vitamins A, B, C, E, calcium, phosphorus and copper and is highly nutritious.
Foenegriek supports digestion and milk production and has a positive influence on resistance.
Foenegriek supports the general condition of your horse.
Foenegriek also ensures a shiny coat, stimulates milk production and improves the condition after delivery.
In addition, PharmaHorse Foenegriek has a disinfectant and calming effect.
It is successfully used in the treatment of wounds, abscesses, arthritis, bronchitis and digestive problems.
Fenugreek is most commonly used for its positive effect on the respiratory tract.
Composition: Foengriek powder 100% pure
Instructions for use:
Pony: 1.5 scoops per day
Horse: 3 scoops per day
1 scoop is +/- 10 grams
Caution! Foenegriek can stimulate the uterus.
We recommend discontinuing treatment during or shortly before pregnancy.
Storage instructions:
Store the product in a cool, dry place in the original packaging out of the reach of children.