
Canagan Free Range Chicken Small Breeds - 6kg

Canagan Free Range Chicken Small Breeds is a grain-free dog food with plenty of fresh meat that provides the right balance of protein and carbohydrates for the species.

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Pick-up from the store possible
Selected for you with love
Size: 6kg
CHF 52.90 CHF 55.70
Delivery ex warehouse
  • Canagan Free Range Chicken Small Breeds - 2kg

    Canagan Free Range Chicken SmallBreeds is a grain-free dog food with plenty of fresh meat that provides the right balance of protein and carbohydrates. Refined with vegetables, plant-based ingredients and herbs. This carefully balanced and nutritious recipe will suit your dog's taste and provide him with the right amount of highly digestible protein, adapted to his species-appropriate evolutionary needs.
    Every bite and every bowl of Canagan has been expertly crafted to suit your dog's diet. The ideal balance of meat with the right proportion of animal ingredients and specially selected vegetables and botanicals.


    Freshly prepared free-range chicken (26 %), dried chicken (25 %), sweet potato, peas, potatoes, chicken fat (4 %), alfalfa, dried egg (3 %), chicken gravy (1 %), salmon oil (1 %), minerals, glucosamine (1.000 mg/kg), MSM (1,000 mg/kg), apple, carrot, spinach, psyllium, algae, fructooligosaccharides, chondroitin sulphate (700 mg/kg), camomile, peppermint, marigold, cranberry, aniseed & fenugreek.

    Analytical constituents:

    Crude protein 32 %, crude fat 17 %, crude fiber 3.5 %, crude ash 10 %, moisture 8 %, omega 6 3 %, omega 3 0.7, calcium 1.9 %, phosphorus 1.4 %.

    Additives (per kg):

    Vitamin A 16,230 IU, vitamin D3 1,980 IU, vitamin E 240 IU, taurine 1,500 mg, iron (iron(II) sulphate monohydrate) 192 mg, zinc (zinc sulphate monohydrate) 144 mg, manganese (manganese sulphate monohydrate) 45 mg, copper (copper(II) sulphate pentahydrate) 14 mg, iodine (calcium iodate anhydrous) 1.9 mg, selenium (sodium selenite) 0.2 mg.

    Within the Canagan line, you can easily change or mix varieties at any time.

    Switching from inferior products to Canagan:
    When feeding Canagan for the first time, we suggest adding Canagan for one week. On day one, mix 25% Canagan with 75% of the previous feed. On day three, mix 50% of both. Then 75% on day five, up to 100% Canagan on day seven.

    Switching from high quality products to Canagan:
    Weigh the old, last given amount and give the same or slightly less amount of Canagan. Do not mix the old food with Canagan. Pay attention to your dog's appetite, well-being and feces. Adjust the amount of food if necessary.
    Every dog is unique and the correct amount of food can vary considerably. This depends on factors such as age, temperament, activity, metabolism and environment. At the starting point, we suggest giving the minimum amount indicated in our feeding recommendation.